support us
Since 2024 it has been possible to support URBINO MUSICA ANTICA through donations by becoming a Benefactor of the event.
The Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica, during fifty-six years of its activity, has promoted early music through hundreds of concerts, conferences, and courses, which have fascinated and will continue to fascinate thousands of professional and amateur musicians thanks to the support and work of the greatest musicians in this field.
Yesterday's students have become today's musicians.
Supporting this activity, you will help FIMA to continue its constant and inspiring work in the field of early music.
You may donate any amount.
With a donation of 150 Euros or more you can enjoy important benefits.
BRONZE Benefactor (Benefattore BRONZE)
Donation from € 150 to 1000:
Mention in the list of Benefactors
A complimentary copy of Recercare magazine
SILVER Benefactor (Benefattore SILVER)
Donations from € 1000 to 5000:
Mention in the list of Benefactors
A complimentary copy of Recercare magazine
Exclusive admission to 2 concert rehearsals for 2 people
GOLD benefactor (Benefattore GOLD)
Donations from € 5000 upwards:
Mention in the list of Benefactors
A complimentary copy of Recercare magazine
Exclusive admission to 2 concert rehearsals for 2 people
N. 2 tickets to attend the last two concerts in the programme of the International Early Music Festival with reserved seats
Opportunity to participate in the teaching activities of advanced musical training courses
Guided tour inside the Palazzo Ducale and discovery tour of Urbino's main sights
Special events
Opportunity to participate in an Italian-style gastronomic experience created to satisfy the most refined gourmands by tasting of typical dishes and products from the Urbino area
For further information email: